Friday, May 13, 2011

What does someone in seminary do?

Billy says:
"get back to work!"
goog_1726817030I have had several people asking me about my seminary experience and what my classes are like. I have found that most of the classes (not including Honors Greek.) I have already taken it as a challenge to my theological convictions and personal paradigms rather than intellectually straining. (I will definitely credit ma/pa & the Grace Bible Church Internship for giving me a firm theological education.  I definitely have an advantage over other students from non-Bible College backgrounds.)

In two or three of my classes, we had the option to write a paper for an 'A' and I found them to be fairly challenging and interesting to work on. I have posted one of those papers here for your viewing pleasure. This paper is typical of our assignments and while seeming complicated; mostly involves good organization skills.

Also, as seminarians we meet once a day for 'Chapel' where we have worship and hear a speaker.

Ironically, I have found that most of the fruit of the "seminary experience" has not been at the seminary itself. Most of my raw learning/meditating has come from reading, studying, and writing off campus, which later gets polished in the classroom.


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