Monday, November 21, 2016

OT Hebrew Reading List - Part Dux

Several months ago I was home sick and figured out what books of the Hebrew OT have the most unique vocabulary (not just hapax legomenon) in the OT Canon. I posted my findings and to my surprise I was not the only one thinking about this problem!

As I keep thinking through the easiest way to help others grow in their understanding of scripture, new(er) Hebrew readers can really benefit by staring with simple words and working towards rarer and rarer words as fluency increases (There's a reason the Cat in the Hat series is so popular.)

Links to a quick draft of a Hebrew Bible Reading Plan can be found here (pdf) and here (xlsx), let me know how we can improve it! I think a good addition might be a weighted assessment of genre difficulty and incorporating that into this list but that might have to wait for another sick day.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Andrew. I'd seen Wallace's reading plan for the GNT and I've been looking for something like this for a while. Thanks for doing the work. I'm looking forward to trying it out.


If you're looking to read the bible more this year, here's a few tools that can help:

1. This is an amazing story bible for children (designed for 10 and younger), seriously, it's really, really good even for adults. 2. I...