Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Evangelical Moral Theology?

Tonight I had an interesting discussion with a Roman Catholic friend of mine and we talked at great length about what he called "moral theology." I was interested to hear of his passion in this field and he claimed that it was a common topic in Catholicism. Am I the only one missing this "field" or is this just a title commonly used by Roman Catholics? What would you include in "moral theology" if you had the choice? (or perhaps a better question, what would you exclude?)

Also, C.S. Lewis was a universalist. Kelli just read The Last Battle and it's fairly blatant. Apparently Bell isn't the only one.



  1. So how does moral theology and moral philosophy relate? Is it just the expansion on moral absolutism and realism and how it is defined by religion? Or is it more complicated then that? I'm curious because I am starting to get into studying the concept of morality.

  2. Whoops! I had notifications off and just saw this.... if this ship has (still) not yet sailed let me know!


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