For the past 5-6 days I have been bed-ridden due to a back injury and while the pain has likely been worse than I have yet experienced
I was reminded that God has (from one perspective or another) allowed this pain to happen to me and that He is able to use it for good (
Romans 8:28).
As the drugs slowly began to work their magic, I have found myself thinking less about my immediate circumstances (including physical pain from my body, and innumerable spiritual/emotional challenges) and dwelling more on the big picture items of my life.
A week before my injury another pastor's wife told me that she left her home and comforts to support her husband's role of serving the local Church. What I heard in translation was: "My life's work is to enable your life's work." What a conviction for pastors everywhere! If it is, in fact, true that
Christ has given me and other servants to his bride (the Church) so that ultimately she might be fully equipped for every good work then this broader mindset God has given me should be the norm rather than the exception.
"I hardly know whether to congratulate you or not, but of one thing you may rest assured, that you possess my entire confidence, and I cannot imagine that matters that may involve the future of [...] souls could be put in more charitable and more conscientious hands. So far as man can do, I believe you will, but I fear you have Hercules’ task. God has limited the power of man, and though in the kindness of your heart you would alleviate all the ills of humanity it is not in your power, nor is it in your power to fulfill onetenth part of the expectations [...]. It is simply impracticable. Yet you can and will do all the good one man may, and that is all you are called on as a man and Christian to do, and to that extent count on me as a friend and fellow soldier for counsel and assistance."
I hope that similar words might be said to any one of my peers who have been tasked with caring for the Church!
Powerful stuff, Andrew. Looks like God is already using your back injury for good. Hope you're feeling better, bro.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jay! I appreciate your prayers!